Monday, September 29, 2008
人民币不升 外资将撤出大陆
彭博信息报导,马丁可利中国区共同主席Chris Ruffle指出,随着当前全球金融危机逐步升高,外国投资人已经开端把资金导出大陆,但若人民币不再升值的态势明确,大陆金融市场就会出现下一波的资金外逃。
马丁可利的说法获得美国一位市场人士证实。美国市场谘询机构Hale Advisors创办人兼董事长海尔在大连举行的夏季达沃斯经济论坛上透露,人行(大陆央行)有意降低人民币对美元的升值速度。
马丁可利的Chris Ruffle还认为,若大陆经济确实变糟,北京当局刺激经济扩张的压力将会更大,而方法之一就是让人民币贬值,而不是升值。
Chris Ruffle说:「当你看到人民币持平,甚至往下走,你可能就想分散风险。在年底以前,QDII将会受到更多投资人欢迎。
河北破三聚氰胺制售网络 41家牧场拘捕13人
Sunday, September 28, 2008
伦敦奥运缺35.9亿盼中国投资 发改委大感兴趣
Friday, September 26, 2008
最初这个新闻和照片是出现在山东科尔生物医药科技开发有限公司(的网站上,但是目前这个网址链接已失效。但是,从21保健品网(上可以看到该公司生产的 “科尔益康胶囊”介绍:“科尔益康胶囊”的研发紧紧依托于中国药科大学211工程重点学科建设项目所属单位之一的生命科学与技术学院的研发实力,并由该院博士生导师李继珩教授担任产品研发带头人,经过反复研究论证,历时六年最终研发而成。 2006年12月,“科尔益康胶囊”被国务院中央国家机关食品特供中心甄选为“中央国家机关特供”产品,面向中央国家机关和国务院机关老干部特供专用。
2006年5月,北京国佑万悦有机食品有限公司,派出由多位专家组成的“国A”特供酒考察组,赴贵州茅台镇实地考察, 以茅台基酒为原料,调制出首款“中央国家机关特供茅台酒”。
2007年4月至10月,北京国佑万悦有机食品有限公司“国A”特供产品考察组在公司副总经理杜毅带领下,先后几次赶赴东北三省,最终于2008年元月,选定辽宁省丹东市前阳五四农庄,越光有机大米作为“国 A”特供产品。越光有机大米为日本新潟县鱼沼地区越光米粳稻品种,目前选择中国丹东前阳鸭绿江口滨海湿地国家级自然保护区内的稻米生产基地,当地气候及自然环境均极有利于水稻种植生长,并采用多机轻碾加工工艺,加工出的大米晶莹透亮,光亮如玉。越光大米一年一收获,量少口碑好,无论香味、白度、光泽以及吃起来的甜度、弹性与粘度,堪称米中之最。
2007年10月,北京国佑万悦有机食品有限公司,应山西省左权县政府、左权鸿鹏油脂有限公司邀请,赴山西左权考察有机杏仁油项目。与左权鸿鹏油脂有限公司签订了杏仁油采购协议。有机杏仁油将进入 “国A”中央国家机关特供体系。
“国特专供”品牌产品包括有:“G22产品配送中心”和“ 中央机关老干部”特供产品。
“ G22 产品配送中心”是由国务院机关事务管理局投资建立的,主要是把全国各地的名优精特食品引进到中央国家机关,为其提供安全、绿色、无污染的优质食品。所有选入的食品均经过各省市推荐,并经过权威部门的审核,一经选入,国务院机关事务局管理局及服务局将颁发证书,并在选入产品上加贴“ G 22 ” 防伪标识,可进行防伪查询。
中央机关老干部康乐文化指导中心主任为宋奎兰同志(原任中办老干部局局长),副主任为高仰岭同志(原任总政老干部服务局政委)、李梦锡同志(原任中组部机关党委书记)。主任宋奎兰,曾任中央警卫局副参谋长、中共中央办公厅老干部局副局长兼文津俱乐部主任。中办老干部处负责系统老干部管理工作外,还负责各省市区调中央人大政协工作的、到京离退休定居的、四副两高以外的省市区委书记的全方位管理服务工作,另外还有一个重要的工作就是在京党政军副部级以上的、部队副兵团以上的在职及离退休的领导干部建立了两个俱乐部——文津俱乐部、万寿路俱乐部,是中央规定的领导干部休闲康乐的场所。现有会员卡主卡 5000 多人,副卡 20000 多人。
2007年9月,本公司通过广东省总经销商“广州市番禺南沙安华有限公司”获得“北京中食国特商贸有限公司”授权为:“中央机关老干部”和“ G22 产品配送中心” 特供产品的深圳市总经销。
最初这个新闻和照片是出现在山东科尔生物医药科技开发有限公司(的网站上,但是目前这个网址链接已失效。但是,从21保健品网(上可以看到该公司生产的 “科尔益康胶囊”介绍:“科尔益康胶囊”的研发紧紧依托于中国药科大学211工程重点学科建设项目所属单位之一的生命科学与技术学院的研发实力,并由该院博士生导师李继珩教授担任产品研发带头人,经过反复研究论证,历时六年最终研发而成。 2006年12月,“科尔益康胶囊”被国务院中央国家机关食品特供中心甄选为“中央国家机关特供”产品,面向中央国家机关和国务院机关老干部特供专用。
2006年5月,北京国佑万悦有机食品有限公司,派出由多位专家组成的“国A”特供酒考察组,赴贵州茅台镇实地考察, 以茅台基酒为原料,调制出首款“中央国家机关特供茅台酒”。
2007年4月至10月,北京国佑万悦有机食品有限公司“国A”特供产品考察组在公司副总经理杜毅带领下,先后几次赶赴东北三省,最终于2008年元月,选定辽宁省丹东市前阳五四农庄,越光有机大米作为“国 A”特供产品。越光有机大米为日本新潟县鱼沼地区越光米粳稻品种,目前选择中国丹东前阳鸭绿江口滨海湿地国家级自然保护区内的稻米生产基地,当地气候及自然环境均极有利于水稻种植生长,并采用多机轻碾加工工艺,加工出的大米晶莹透亮,光亮如玉。越光大米一年一收获,量少口碑好,无论香味、白度、光泽以及吃起来的甜度、弹性与粘度,堪称米中之最。
2007年10月,北京国佑万悦有机食品有限公司,应山西省左权县政府、左权鸿鹏油脂有限公司邀请,赴山西左权考察有机杏仁油项目。与左权鸿鹏油脂有限公司签订了杏仁油采购协议。有机杏仁油将进入 “国A”中央国家机关特供体系。
“国特专供”品牌产品包括有:“G22产品配送中心”和“ 中央机关老干部”特供产品。
“ G22 产品配送中心”是由国务院机关事务管理局投资建立的,主要是把全国各地的名优精特食品引进到中央国家机关,为其提供安全、绿色、无污染的优质食品。所有选入的食品均经过各省市推荐,并经过权威部门的审核,一经选入,国务院机关事务局管理局及服务局将颁发证书,并在选入产品上加贴“ G 22 ” 防伪标识,可进行防伪查询。
中央机关老干部康乐文化指导中心主任为宋奎兰同志(原任中办老干部局局长),副主任为高仰岭同志(原任总政老干部服务局政委)、李梦锡同志(原任中组部机关党委书记)。主任宋奎兰,曾任中央警卫局副参谋长、中共中央办公厅老干部局副局长兼文津俱乐部主任。中办老干部处负责系统老干部管理工作外,还负责各省市区调中央人大政协工作的、到京离退休定居的、四副两高以外的省市区委书记的全方位管理服务工作,另外还有一个重要的工作就是在京党政军副部级以上的、部队副兵团以上的在职及离退休的领导干部建立了两个俱乐部——文津俱乐部、万寿路俱乐部,是中央规定的领导干部休闲康乐的场所。现有会员卡主卡 5000 多人,副卡 20000 多人。
2007年9月,本公司通过广东省总经销商“广州市番禺南沙安华有限公司”获得“北京中食国特商贸有限公司”授权为:“中央机关老干部”和“ G22 产品配送中心” 特供产品的深圳市总经销。
Thursday, September 25, 2008
毒奶粉危机爆发后 传中央享受特供食品引争议
中新网9月25日消息 国务院机关老干部活动中心负责人今天接受中国新闻网记者采访时,就近日网上出现的所谓题为“祝咏兰主任在中央国家机关特供产品授牌仪式上的讲话”的贴文进行了说明。
中新网9月25日消息 国务院机关老干部活动中心负责人今天接受中国新闻网记者采访时,就近日网上出现的所谓题为“祝咏兰主任在中央国家机关特供产品授牌仪式上的讲话”的贴文进行了说明。
PetroChina's Sacrifice Acknowledged
Buy-recommended PetroChina (PTR), with estimated net present value [NPV] of $220 a share, offers portfolio representation mainly in crude oil production and non-U.S. domicile at a low McDep Ratio. First half results reported today disclosed the effect of price controls on refined products that were not quite as adverse as anticipated. Rising production volume was close to expectations.
The integrated company may also have been able to reduce the unfavorable impact of the Chinese “windfall profits tax” by charging itself a lower than expected crude oil price for volumes sent to its own refineries. Allowing for reduced tax on crude oil, continuing price controls on natural gas and diminished price controls on refined products, NPV is supported by projected cash flow capitalized at unlevered multiples (PV/Ebitda) related to reserve life (Adjusted R/P). Sticking to its policy of paying out 45% of earnings in dividends, management reduced the declared dividend in line with lower reported earnings. The cost of sacrificing profits, hopefully only temporary, seems amply reflected in a decline in stock price of 52% from the high last year. Meanwhile, crude oil price trends upward with the latest quote of $118 a barrel for delivery over the next six years above the 40-week average of $107.
The integrated company may also have been able to reduce the unfavorable impact of the Chinese “windfall profits tax” by charging itself a lower than expected crude oil price for volumes sent to its own refineries. Allowing for reduced tax on crude oil, continuing price controls on natural gas and diminished price controls on refined products, NPV is supported by projected cash flow capitalized at unlevered multiples (PV/Ebitda) related to reserve life (Adjusted R/P). Sticking to its policy of paying out 45% of earnings in dividends, management reduced the declared dividend in line with lower reported earnings. The cost of sacrificing profits, hopefully only temporary, seems amply reflected in a decline in stock price of 52% from the high last year. Meanwhile, crude oil price trends upward with the latest quote of $118 a barrel for delivery over the next six years above the 40-week average of $107.
The Wall Street Journal: Web Users Fault China's Baidu
HONG KONG -- Chinese Internet-search company Inc. has been defending itself against claims in the media and Internet chat forums that it allegedly censored online information about the growing scandal over tainted milk powder.
The company, which runs China's largest search engine by market share, has faced criticism from users of popular sites such as online community and forum host The users accuse the company of working on behalf of milk producers to bury online links to news stories about the contamination that has killed several infants and sickened thousands of children.
Baidu acknowledged it was approached by several dairy producers who offered to pay the company to drop critical news articles from its search results. Baidu said it "flat out refused" to screen unfavorable news.
The Web site of Chinese newspaper 21st Century Business Herald posted screenshots of purported Internet searches on Sept. 12 for a blog post criticizing one of the country's milk producers. The newspaper's screenshot purported to show 11 search results, while Google Inc.'s China site,, showed 11,400.
On Friday, a search for the article by its title turned up 378 results on Baidu and 13,500 results on Wednesday, the search showed 3,860 hits on Baidu and 39,300 on Google.
Baidu declined to comment on the alleged differences.
Internet analysts said technological differences could explain potentially different search results.
The company, which runs China's largest search engine by market share, has faced criticism from users of popular sites such as online community and forum host The users accuse the company of working on behalf of milk producers to bury online links to news stories about the contamination that has killed several infants and sickened thousands of children.
Baidu acknowledged it was approached by several dairy producers who offered to pay the company to drop critical news articles from its search results. Baidu said it "flat out refused" to screen unfavorable news.
The Web site of Chinese newspaper 21st Century Business Herald posted screenshots of purported Internet searches on Sept. 12 for a blog post criticizing one of the country's milk producers. The newspaper's screenshot purported to show 11 search results, while Google Inc.'s China site,, showed 11,400.
On Friday, a search for the article by its title turned up 378 results on Baidu and 13,500 results on Wednesday, the search showed 3,860 hits on Baidu and 39,300 on Google.
Baidu declined to comment on the alleged differences.
Internet analysts said technological differences could explain potentially different search results.
The Wall Street Journal: Chinese shares climb, bucking region's trend
HONG KONG -- Chinese stock markets jumped, bucking declines across much of Asia as investors generally preferred to await further word on negotiations over the U.S. government's $700 billion rescue plan for the financial sector.
The jump in Shanghai came after China Unicom raised its stake in China United Telecommunications, raising hopes that more mainland firms could buy back shares to support beaten-down valuations.
The Shanghai Composite gained 3.6% to 2297.50. China United Telecommunications gained 2.5%, adding to Wednesday's 7.7% surge, after its parent raised its stake to 60.97%, from 60.74%. China Unicom intends to buy as much as 2% of China United's shares.
"The market sentiment in the mainland markets has been steadily improving as some corporations are directly purchasing shares. Strong turnover in Shanghai and Shenzhen suggests the markets are stabilizing, and we could see more gains," said Patrick Yiu, associate director at CASH Asset Management in Hong Kong.
State-owned blue chips recorded the biggest gains. Baoshan Iron & Steel climbed 7.5%, and China Life Insurance jumped 7.9%.
In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng Index eased 0.1% to 18934.43. Bank of East Asia gained 3.4% as tycoon Li Ka-shing bought into the lender, and a run on the bank showed signs of abating. The stock had skidded 6.9% on Wednesday.
In Tokyo, the Nikkei Stock Average of 225 companies fell 0.9% to 12006.53. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group gave up 2%. Shipping firms were among the biggest decliners, with selling triggered by the overnight drop in the industry's benchmark Baltic Dry Index. Nippon Yusen lost 5.7%, and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines sank 6.3%.
Australia's S&P/ASX 200 shed 1.1%. BHP Billiton lost 3.9% as metals prices remained weak.
In Mumbai, the 30-stock Sensitive Index, or Sensex, fell 1.1% to 13547.18. S. Tulsian, a member of India's National Stock Exchange, said the weakness was linked to the expiration of September derivative contracts Thursday as well as uncertainty hovering over the U.S. bailout proposal.
"Investors are not willing to take risks and are happy with the index trading in a range. The upcoming earnings season is also expected to throw some mixed results," he said.
The jump in Shanghai came after China Unicom raised its stake in China United Telecommunications, raising hopes that more mainland firms could buy back shares to support beaten-down valuations.
The Shanghai Composite gained 3.6% to 2297.50. China United Telecommunications gained 2.5%, adding to Wednesday's 7.7% surge, after its parent raised its stake to 60.97%, from 60.74%. China Unicom intends to buy as much as 2% of China United's shares.
"The market sentiment in the mainland markets has been steadily improving as some corporations are directly purchasing shares. Strong turnover in Shanghai and Shenzhen suggests the markets are stabilizing, and we could see more gains," said Patrick Yiu, associate director at CASH Asset Management in Hong Kong.
State-owned blue chips recorded the biggest gains. Baoshan Iron & Steel climbed 7.5%, and China Life Insurance jumped 7.9%.
In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng Index eased 0.1% to 18934.43. Bank of East Asia gained 3.4% as tycoon Li Ka-shing bought into the lender, and a run on the bank showed signs of abating. The stock had skidded 6.9% on Wednesday.
In Tokyo, the Nikkei Stock Average of 225 companies fell 0.9% to 12006.53. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group gave up 2%. Shipping firms were among the biggest decliners, with selling triggered by the overnight drop in the industry's benchmark Baltic Dry Index. Nippon Yusen lost 5.7%, and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines sank 6.3%.
Australia's S&P/ASX 200 shed 1.1%. BHP Billiton lost 3.9% as metals prices remained weak.
In Mumbai, the 30-stock Sensitive Index, or Sensex, fell 1.1% to 13547.18. S. Tulsian, a member of India's National Stock Exchange, said the weakness was linked to the expiration of September derivative contracts Thursday as well as uncertainty hovering over the U.S. bailout proposal.
"Investors are not willing to take risks and are happy with the index trading in a range. The upcoming earnings season is also expected to throw some mixed results," he said.
The Wall Street Journal: China Extends Resources Push With Global Deals
HONG KONG -- Corporate China struck deals Thursday to buy Syrian oil assets for $2 billion and to take a significant stake in an Australian iron-ore producer, furthering its quest to secure natural resources abroad.
China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., known as Sinopec, won the bidding for Tanganyika Oil Co., edging out Indian rival Oil & Natural Gas Corp. for access to the Canada-listed company's Syrian fields.
Separately, Chinese steel producer Jiangsu Shagang Group Co. made a complex deal to merge its Australian assets with Grange Resources Ltd., giving it a 45% stake in a combined entity that would be valued at one billion Australian dollars (US$833.7 million).
China's foreign acquisitions have been dominated by efforts to secure resources to satiate its economic engine. So far this year, Chinese companies have completed $26.3 billion worth of deals for businesses in the oil, natural-gas and mining industries, according to data provider Dealogic. Natural-resources deals represent 58% of the value of China's total outbound mergers and acquisitions transactions this year.
The Tanganyika transaction strengthens China's ties with the oil-rich Middle East. The company is based in Calgary, Alberta, and listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, but its oil production comes from Syria, which the U.S. State Department lists as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Still, Syria is a minor player in oil. Many of its fields are in decline, and its production last year accounted for only 1.6% of the Middle East's total, according to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy. In the three months ended June 30, Tanganyika posted gross average daily oil production of 16,700 barrels.
Chinese state oil companies have sought resources in many places where U.S. and European oil majors are reluctant to plant their flag. The latest deal follows an earlier acquisition by China National Petroleum Corp. and ONGC of a Syrian oil field owned by Petro-Canada Co. Sinopec is also developing a field in Iran, while rival PetroChina Ltd. is exploring for resources in Sudan.
The bidding for Tangayika pit Sinopec against ONGC for the second time this year. ONGC beat Sinopec to acquire London-listed Imperial Energy Corp., whose assets are in Russia, for $2.6 billion.
China's decision to target resources in politically risky nations comes after it suffered a major setback in the 2005 failed $18.5 billion hostile bid by China National Offshore Oil Corp., or Cnooc, to buy Unocal Corp. More recently, China has succeeded in extending its reach by taking a different approach. Cnooc unit China Oilfield Services Ltd. last month launched a $2.5 billion friendly takeover of a Norwegian oil field services provider, Awilco Offshore ASA.
Lehman Brothers Asia Ltd. advised Sinopec on the Tanganyika deal, showing the continued prowess of the future arm of Japan's Nomura Holdings Inc. in helping China land international deals. It also advised Cnooc's oil-field-services arm on the acquisition of Awilco as well as Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd. on its joint bid with Alcoa Inc. for a stake in Rio Tinto PLC. Scotia Waterous Inc. advised Tanganyika.
Sinopec's offer for Tanganyika is 31.50 Canadian dollars (US$30.38) a share. That represents a 21% premium to the company's Wednesday close of C$26 a share. The transaction has been approved by both companies' boards but still needs regulatory approval. Tanganyika earned a $29.8 million net profit on revenue of $78.2 million in the first half of this year.
China's search for mining resources has focused on Australia. Booming demand for steel in China has driven up iron-ore prices and pushed steelmakers like Jiangsu Shagang to increase their investments in Australia. Sinosteel Corp. this year succeeded in a hostile bid for Australian miner Midwest Corp., a deal that was finalized in recent weeks.
Grange Resources said Thursday it plans to merge with iron-ore-pellet producer Australian Bulk Minerals, which is controlled by a consortium that includes Jiangsu Shagang. The companies said the deal would shore up funding for Grange's planned US$1.6 billion Southdown iron-ore project. Grange has a market capitalization of about A$219 million.
China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., known as Sinopec, won the bidding for Tanganyika Oil Co., edging out Indian rival Oil & Natural Gas Corp. for access to the Canada-listed company's Syrian fields.
Separately, Chinese steel producer Jiangsu Shagang Group Co. made a complex deal to merge its Australian assets with Grange Resources Ltd., giving it a 45% stake in a combined entity that would be valued at one billion Australian dollars (US$833.7 million).
China's foreign acquisitions have been dominated by efforts to secure resources to satiate its economic engine. So far this year, Chinese companies have completed $26.3 billion worth of deals for businesses in the oil, natural-gas and mining industries, according to data provider Dealogic. Natural-resources deals represent 58% of the value of China's total outbound mergers and acquisitions transactions this year.
The Tanganyika transaction strengthens China's ties with the oil-rich Middle East. The company is based in Calgary, Alberta, and listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, but its oil production comes from Syria, which the U.S. State Department lists as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Still, Syria is a minor player in oil. Many of its fields are in decline, and its production last year accounted for only 1.6% of the Middle East's total, according to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy. In the three months ended June 30, Tanganyika posted gross average daily oil production of 16,700 barrels.
Chinese state oil companies have sought resources in many places where U.S. and European oil majors are reluctant to plant their flag. The latest deal follows an earlier acquisition by China National Petroleum Corp. and ONGC of a Syrian oil field owned by Petro-Canada Co. Sinopec is also developing a field in Iran, while rival PetroChina Ltd. is exploring for resources in Sudan.
The bidding for Tangayika pit Sinopec against ONGC for the second time this year. ONGC beat Sinopec to acquire London-listed Imperial Energy Corp., whose assets are in Russia, for $2.6 billion.
China's decision to target resources in politically risky nations comes after it suffered a major setback in the 2005 failed $18.5 billion hostile bid by China National Offshore Oil Corp., or Cnooc, to buy Unocal Corp. More recently, China has succeeded in extending its reach by taking a different approach. Cnooc unit China Oilfield Services Ltd. last month launched a $2.5 billion friendly takeover of a Norwegian oil field services provider, Awilco Offshore ASA.
Lehman Brothers Asia Ltd. advised Sinopec on the Tanganyika deal, showing the continued prowess of the future arm of Japan's Nomura Holdings Inc. in helping China land international deals. It also advised Cnooc's oil-field-services arm on the acquisition of Awilco as well as Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd. on its joint bid with Alcoa Inc. for a stake in Rio Tinto PLC. Scotia Waterous Inc. advised Tanganyika.
Sinopec's offer for Tanganyika is 31.50 Canadian dollars (US$30.38) a share. That represents a 21% premium to the company's Wednesday close of C$26 a share. The transaction has been approved by both companies' boards but still needs regulatory approval. Tanganyika earned a $29.8 million net profit on revenue of $78.2 million in the first half of this year.
China's search for mining resources has focused on Australia. Booming demand for steel in China has driven up iron-ore prices and pushed steelmakers like Jiangsu Shagang to increase their investments in Australia. Sinosteel Corp. this year succeeded in a hostile bid for Australian miner Midwest Corp., a deal that was finalized in recent weeks.
Grange Resources said Thursday it plans to merge with iron-ore-pellet producer Australian Bulk Minerals, which is controlled by a consortium that includes Jiangsu Shagang. The companies said the deal would shore up funding for Grange's planned US$1.6 billion Southdown iron-ore project. Grange has a market capitalization of about A$219 million.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Bank fo China Takes Stake in Rothschild Bank
Bank of China, the world’s fifth largest bank, said it was opening its wallet for a stake in the Rothschild banking dynasty.
Bank of China is coughing up 236.3 million euros ($341 million) for a 20 percent stake in La Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild, the family-held asset management and private banking business. One of the few remaining independent merchant banks in Europe, the French firm was founded in 1953 by Edmond de Rothschild and has been chaired by his son Benjamin de Rothschild since 1997.
While The Financial Times noted that the move was the first strategic investment by a leading Chinese bank in the eurozone, Min Zhu, the bank’s executive vice chairman, said Bank of China had no intentions of jumping into any deals for the growing list of struggling Western banks.
“We don’t have the capacity yet,” he told The Times of London.
Bank of China is coughing up 236.3 million euros ($341 million) for a 20 percent stake in La Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild, the family-held asset management and private banking business. One of the few remaining independent merchant banks in Europe, the French firm was founded in 1953 by Edmond de Rothschild and has been chaired by his son Benjamin de Rothschild since 1997.
While The Financial Times noted that the move was the first strategic investment by a leading Chinese bank in the eurozone, Min Zhu, the bank’s executive vice chairman, said Bank of China had no intentions of jumping into any deals for the growing list of struggling Western banks.
“We don’t have the capacity yet,” he told The Times of London.
China's Sovereign Wealth Fund Turns Inward
For all the Western attention devoted to China Investment Corp.’s big overseas purchases, the sovereign wealth fund’s mandate to trouble-shoot areas of the domestic economy has drawn less interest. But it is this mission that China called upon it to perform this week, specifically, to shore up the country’s distressed stock market, which has essentially wiped out all of the gains achieved over the past eight years.
After taking headline-grabbing, billion-dollar equity stakes in the Blackstone Group and Morgan Stanley (nyse: MS - news - people ) last year, China’s $200 billion sovereign wealth fund will buy shares in three of the country’s biggest state-owned banks, whose shares have more than halved in value this year. The fund will take stakes in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (other-otc: ICBAF - news - people ), Bank of China (other-otc: BACHF - news - people ) and China Construction Bank (other-otc: CICHF - news - people ) to calm panicked investors amid a global credit crisis, the state news agency Xinhua said Thursday. The move sent all three banks’ shares soaring more than 15% in Hong Kong on Friday.
This inward recapitalization “may not be part of the long-term strategic direction of CIC,” said a Shanghai-based analyst for a foreign investment bank. The move is also a short-term setback, even if a necessary one, for the government’s overall program of partial privatization of state-run companies, some observed.
The desire to reap greater rewards on the country’s trillion-dollar reserves prompted Beijing to create the CIC in 2007. China traditionally invested those reserves in low-yielding U.S. Treasury bonds. But the sovereign fund has been continually called upon to assist domestic state-owned firms.
At its creation in 2007, CIC used one-third of its funds to recapitalize the Agricultural Bank of China and China Development Bank. Now, as shares in ICBC, BOC, and CCB have sunk 58%, 61% and 54%, respectively, on the Shanghai exchange this year, Beijing has been compelled to staunch the bleeding. The steep slide in Chinese stocks has eaten away at corporate profits, for which investment returns are a major source.
CIC’s latest move to buy up stakes in domestic banks signifies “a temporary reversal in the privatization” process undertaken by Beijing, but government officials were being “pragmatic” under “extraordinary” conditions, given the global financial crisis, said the analyst, who asked not to be named. The government has undertaken massive conversions of state-held shares to tradable shares in various state-owned enterprises this year.
After paying $5 billion for a 9.9% stake in Morgan Stanley last year, CIC is reportedly in talks with the Wall Street firm to increase its stake.
In Hong Kong trading on Friday, ICBC shares closed up 65 Hong Kong cents (8 cents), or 16.17%, to 4.67 Hong Kong dollars (60 cents). BOC shares closed up 48 Hong Kong cents (6 cents), or 16.67%, to 3.36 Hong Kong dollars (43 cents). CCB shares closed up 74 Hong Kong cents (10 cents), or 15.74%, to 5.44 Hong Kong dollars (70 cents).
After taking headline-grabbing, billion-dollar equity stakes in the Blackstone Group and Morgan Stanley (nyse: MS - news - people ) last year, China’s $200 billion sovereign wealth fund will buy shares in three of the country’s biggest state-owned banks, whose shares have more than halved in value this year. The fund will take stakes in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (other-otc: ICBAF - news - people ), Bank of China (other-otc: BACHF - news - people ) and China Construction Bank (other-otc: CICHF - news - people ) to calm panicked investors amid a global credit crisis, the state news agency Xinhua said Thursday. The move sent all three banks’ shares soaring more than 15% in Hong Kong on Friday.
This inward recapitalization “may not be part of the long-term strategic direction of CIC,” said a Shanghai-based analyst for a foreign investment bank. The move is also a short-term setback, even if a necessary one, for the government’s overall program of partial privatization of state-run companies, some observed.
The desire to reap greater rewards on the country’s trillion-dollar reserves prompted Beijing to create the CIC in 2007. China traditionally invested those reserves in low-yielding U.S. Treasury bonds. But the sovereign fund has been continually called upon to assist domestic state-owned firms.
At its creation in 2007, CIC used one-third of its funds to recapitalize the Agricultural Bank of China and China Development Bank. Now, as shares in ICBC, BOC, and CCB have sunk 58%, 61% and 54%, respectively, on the Shanghai exchange this year, Beijing has been compelled to staunch the bleeding. The steep slide in Chinese stocks has eaten away at corporate profits, for which investment returns are a major source.
CIC’s latest move to buy up stakes in domestic banks signifies “a temporary reversal in the privatization” process undertaken by Beijing, but government officials were being “pragmatic” under “extraordinary” conditions, given the global financial crisis, said the analyst, who asked not to be named. The government has undertaken massive conversions of state-held shares to tradable shares in various state-owned enterprises this year.
After paying $5 billion for a 9.9% stake in Morgan Stanley last year, CIC is reportedly in talks with the Wall Street firm to increase its stake.
In Hong Kong trading on Friday, ICBC shares closed up 65 Hong Kong cents (8 cents), or 16.17%, to 4.67 Hong Kong dollars (60 cents). BOC shares closed up 48 Hong Kong cents (6 cents), or 16.67%, to 3.36 Hong Kong dollars (43 cents). CCB shares closed up 74 Hong Kong cents (10 cents), or 15.74%, to 5.44 Hong Kong dollars (70 cents).
The Wall Street Journal: China Seeks to Lift Market by Raising Stake in Major Banks
SHANGHAI -- China's government announced plans to buy shares and take other measures to support the nation's plummeting stock market, a program that analysts said will surely boost investor sentiment -- but could add to longer-term risks.
As the world's major central banks banded together Thursday to fight a meltdown in global financial markets, Beijing said an arm of China's $200 billion sovereign-wealth fund will increase its shareholding in the nation's three largest banks with direct purchases on the market, while other government entities will be encouraged to load up on stock in listed companies that they control. In addition, authorities canceled a 0.1% tax on stock purchases, although sellers will still have to pay the tax.
Already the principal shareholder in China's three largest banks, Central Huijin Investment Co. will buy additional stock in Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Bank of China Ltd. and China Construction Bank Corp., according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. The report said the buying began Thursday and aims to "shore up their share prices amid stock market slumps." No specifics on the planned purchases were announced.
"It is absolutely a market-rescuing message from the government," said Mao Nan, a strategist at Orient Securities Co. in Shanghai.
The announcement came as central banks around the globe flooded money markets with U.S. dollars, and on a day when other Asian governments were taking more technical and less blunt steps than China to support their financial systems -- for example, by adding local currency to their own money markets. Using similar monetary policy options in China, like this week's first lowering of interest rates in six years, would have limited impact on China's economy given the immaturity of its financial system.
By buying shares directly, Beijing will employ its most powerful tool to halt a painful market decline that has erased 64% this year from the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index. The move, which wasn't coordinated with any outside authorities, also marks what may be a last chance to resuscitate the confidence of tens of millions of investors -- and appears to reflect a recognition in Beijing that its strategy to carefully phase in market-oriented policies hasn't convinced the public that stocks are a suitable place to put their $4 trillion in savings. The Shanghai Composite Index fell about 70% from last year's all-time high of 6124.04 to Thursday's low point of about 1816.
The purchases will deepen China's government ownership of a market that by some estimates is still about two-thirds controlled by state interests. That state of affairs threatens to sustain a decade-long fear that big shareholders will ultimately dump their stock -- a factor that many blame for this year's collapse and a previous grind earlier in the decade that erased more than 40% of market value.
It is unclear whether the stock-market intervention suggests Beijing will suspend its hunt for investments overseas -- up to now the major focus of the country's sovereign wealth fund. Chinese entities haven't entered the fray to shore up Wall Street firms in recent weeks. Still, even as the market bailout was being announced on Thursday, Bank of China said it would pay 2.3 billion yuan ($336 million) to buy about 20% of Cie. Financière Edmond de Rothschild, the French arm of the LCF Rothschild Group headed by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild.
The U.S. government's recent massive bailouts of American financial companies have provided ammunition to those calling for official stock buying by Beijing. Chinese policy makers had debated for months whether to pull the trigger and buy shares, a person with knowledge of the situation said Thursday. For much of the year, proponents of freer markets appeared to be winning with their argument that authorities shouldn't target price levels. They advocated instead building a credible trading system of fair rules, robust infrastructure and trustworthy participants that would make the stock market a base on which to build a fuller financial system.
But as the market rout continued, Beijing's credibility was on the line. Investors, who had opened more than 100 million trading accounts, said the market's biggest investor -- the government -- had a duty to defend it.
As part of the new effort to boost stocks, the central-government entity that indirectly controls a vast array of major state-owned companies indicated Thursday that repurchases of shares in listed companies would soon begin. Among the companies in its stable is oil giant PetroChina Ltd., the largest stock on the Shanghai exchange.
Gao Lingzhi, an analyst at Great Wall Securities in Shenzhen, said if the market doesn't sustain the now widely expected rally when government entities start buying stocks, investors will clamor for more support.
As the world's major central banks banded together Thursday to fight a meltdown in global financial markets, Beijing said an arm of China's $200 billion sovereign-wealth fund will increase its shareholding in the nation's three largest banks with direct purchases on the market, while other government entities will be encouraged to load up on stock in listed companies that they control. In addition, authorities canceled a 0.1% tax on stock purchases, although sellers will still have to pay the tax.
Already the principal shareholder in China's three largest banks, Central Huijin Investment Co. will buy additional stock in Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Bank of China Ltd. and China Construction Bank Corp., according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. The report said the buying began Thursday and aims to "shore up their share prices amid stock market slumps." No specifics on the planned purchases were announced.
"It is absolutely a market-rescuing message from the government," said Mao Nan, a strategist at Orient Securities Co. in Shanghai.
The announcement came as central banks around the globe flooded money markets with U.S. dollars, and on a day when other Asian governments were taking more technical and less blunt steps than China to support their financial systems -- for example, by adding local currency to their own money markets. Using similar monetary policy options in China, like this week's first lowering of interest rates in six years, would have limited impact on China's economy given the immaturity of its financial system.
By buying shares directly, Beijing will employ its most powerful tool to halt a painful market decline that has erased 64% this year from the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index. The move, which wasn't coordinated with any outside authorities, also marks what may be a last chance to resuscitate the confidence of tens of millions of investors -- and appears to reflect a recognition in Beijing that its strategy to carefully phase in market-oriented policies hasn't convinced the public that stocks are a suitable place to put their $4 trillion in savings. The Shanghai Composite Index fell about 70% from last year's all-time high of 6124.04 to Thursday's low point of about 1816.
The purchases will deepen China's government ownership of a market that by some estimates is still about two-thirds controlled by state interests. That state of affairs threatens to sustain a decade-long fear that big shareholders will ultimately dump their stock -- a factor that many blame for this year's collapse and a previous grind earlier in the decade that erased more than 40% of market value.
It is unclear whether the stock-market intervention suggests Beijing will suspend its hunt for investments overseas -- up to now the major focus of the country's sovereign wealth fund. Chinese entities haven't entered the fray to shore up Wall Street firms in recent weeks. Still, even as the market bailout was being announced on Thursday, Bank of China said it would pay 2.3 billion yuan ($336 million) to buy about 20% of Cie. Financière Edmond de Rothschild, the French arm of the LCF Rothschild Group headed by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild.
The U.S. government's recent massive bailouts of American financial companies have provided ammunition to those calling for official stock buying by Beijing. Chinese policy makers had debated for months whether to pull the trigger and buy shares, a person with knowledge of the situation said Thursday. For much of the year, proponents of freer markets appeared to be winning with their argument that authorities shouldn't target price levels. They advocated instead building a credible trading system of fair rules, robust infrastructure and trustworthy participants that would make the stock market a base on which to build a fuller financial system.
But as the market rout continued, Beijing's credibility was on the line. Investors, who had opened more than 100 million trading accounts, said the market's biggest investor -- the government -- had a duty to defend it.
As part of the new effort to boost stocks, the central-government entity that indirectly controls a vast array of major state-owned companies indicated Thursday that repurchases of shares in listed companies would soon begin. Among the companies in its stable is oil giant PetroChina Ltd., the largest stock on the Shanghai exchange.
Gao Lingzhi, an analyst at Great Wall Securities in Shenzhen, said if the market doesn't sustain the now widely expected rally when government entities start buying stocks, investors will clamor for more support.
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